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Hacks to Better Application Security
Posted on 13-07-2021
Posted by devmin

Web applications are most vulnerable to security risks among different software products. In this blog, we will cover security concerns from the web application perspective. It is essential for application security to eliminate the risk of a data breach. So, how can you strengthen the security game for your web application?
Read the following 10 hacks to better application security and make your application security game better and stronger.
Understand & Evaluate Risks
You should learn about your enemy’s tactics and strategies to encounter them. If you keep yourself completely unaware of what your enemy is planning against you, you can barely compete with them. To win against them, you should keep yourself well-prepared. For robust security, learn and understand hackers’ strategies. To be specific, you should know ways that can be used to target your application.
The application development teams should invest time in learning the techniques used by hackers. To defeat security vulnerabilities, a developer should learn to develop neat algorithms that make things work more efficiently. Simply, understanding the hackers’ strategies and techniques can help write code that outwits the chances of malevolent attempts in the beginning.
Keep Servers and Software Updated
There are several security threats related to the unpatched and outdated system. You should keep web application security at a priority because even a small security weakness can open doors for hackers to make their way into your application. Even if you build an impermeable application, an unpatched server can put your data at risk. A website that is hosted on an unpatched server could lead to security risks and can make it an easy target for hackers to reach files and private database information. Make sure your web application is built on a patched and up-to-date system.
Use a security-focused QA process
While testing applications, quality assurance engineers mostly look for bugs in the interface. They check for errors in the navigation, but this is not enough. The first thing in the process should include checking if it works what it is supposed to. The application should work seamlessly, but it must go smooth on the security check as well.
Companies should keep it on priority to have a through out testing process during the application development. Testers should ideally check if the app is sound from a security perspective.
Security risks and vulnerabilities are basically a consequence of mistakes made by developers. Similarly, quality assurance engineers are likely to overlook potential security bugs in the application. A lot of times, there are SQL Injection vulnerabilities in the database of web applications. Therefore, companies should keep a keen focus on a security-focused quality assurance process to avoid any threat to their data and reputation. If a web application can successfully identify and eliminate these vulnerabilities before launching the product, it can keep its game ahead in the competition.
Limit Access to Those Who Need It
If your company owns an application and there are a lot of people who work on it, you need to be careful about the number of extra people with access to sensitive data. Not everyone should get access to everything. It is always recommended to limit access to applications to only those who need it. An unaware user may accidentally cause damage if they are given unaccountable accessibility over the system. By adhering to the principle of least accessibility provided to employees could reduce the risk as compared to having no policy in place.
Automate Security Risk Management
Developers have become more careful about the ownership of their applications and their security. They have become very sensitive regarding security management. Application development teams should ideally start testing early and often. This helps to eradicate potential risks factor from the application at the beginning stages of the application development. Also, it is easy to fix those issues in the early stages of development. Developers need automated tools to manage the cumbersome testing process.
To test the exclusive code during the development process, static application security testing and dynamic application security testing can help you find potential security risks in your code. SAST and DAST can play a major part in identifying vulnerabilities.
Moreover, you can use software composition analysis (SCA) tools. It enables teams to run automated security checks and reporting throughout the SDLC to identify all of the open-source components in their environment and detect which ones have potential risk factors.
Make Security Part of the Business
Until something not happens, it doesn’t mark its importance. And so, the same is the case with many companies. Many companies don’t give much importance to the security issue from the beginning. They do not integrate a proper security system while building the website.
There are many websites where security is not the priority. They contain many bits of insecurities that leave a vast space open for attackers. However, most businesses today take care of security, but it should not be an afterthought for anyone. In short, security should be a critical element of the entire development process.
Don’t Collect Unnecessary Data
An effective way to prevent user’s data from stealing is to not gathering unnecessary information from them. Collect only what you need. Don’t collect a lot of information that is of no use for your company as it increases the risk of losing users’ private information to hackers.
Remove Sensitive Security Tasks
There are several different types of applications that contain sensitive data. It may include private information or payment details of customers etc. It’s better to remove or replace that information to keep you in a secure position. Offloading sensitive information from the application can reduce the risk of a data breach.
Do Not Rely on Security Testing Tools
To be on the safe side, you cannot entirely rely on security tools. At times, the malware used to breach security is undetectable. Security products sometimes fail to trace the malware, and it is hazardous for your company’s reputation. You cannot just put the security tools in place and leave everything else to it. It is best to prefer hands-on testing to make sure adept security.
Invictus Star Technology can help you grow and obtain positive application security. If you are looking for your next technology partner, get in touch with us and start growing rampantly.